At Easter

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It’s 2012; make that two thousand and twelve at Easter. Over 2000 years have passed since the arrival of Jesus Christ on earth. he came to reboot our tattered lives then and vowed to return to do the same thing again. Why were we and are we in the same shape, after such a long passage of time? There are more scholars on the subject that gold bars hidden throughout the world. I am not going to add mine right now. But few can argue that our world is struggling greatly to keep up appearances–disputing the facts of our disabling ignorance of God and His purpose for mankind.

In this century, we have improved our ability to connect with each other in ways that would have been considered magical a century ago or 20 centuries ago. But there is something more significant than all of the technology combined that we share with our ancestors of 40 generations ago. Our mind, heart and soul can immediately understand the story of Christ–his emergence, his frustration, decision, and the path of his death have been repeated by (arguably) less significant heroes through thousands of years of history. This is important because we need stories that we can understand. The reason Hollywood did not perish with the advent of TV and travel is that people still need to experience powerful stories, tales that tug at my heart and soul. The Bible is our original script history. Yeah, I know that there are other texts and even oral traditions the world over that tell their own stories with cultural affinity to the people of the land. Yet the ubiquity of the biblical legends testify to how much we all can connect with what happened to the people described in those 66 books.
I gotta go, but I hope you can think of this Easter season in an especially important light. Jesus’ resurrection was intended to lift us all up. We have to know fundamentally what was lost at the time of Adam’s separation from God, and what stands to be gained by embracing the union of God and Christ in the context of our own lives. For starters, honesty, peace, and freedom are universal aspirations for nations across the world. Is it your aspiration? So amazing that generations come and go, but the struggle – like a deadly virus – lives on. The returning Christ can put an end to this “resident evil” once and for all. it’s time we got ready.

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